Making Sense of the House Survey Process in Lancashire

New House

When you’re buying a house in Lancashire, navigating the survey process is a crucial step to ensure you’re making a wise investment. Unlike a standard mortgage valuation, which only serves the interests of your lender, a home survey gives you a comprehensive look into the property’s condition. It’s an essential tool for identifying any potential issues that might require costly repairs down the line, from structural issues to dampness.

As a homebuyer, you can choose from several types of surveys depending on the depth of assessment you need. The most basic is the Level 1 Condition Report, which provides an overview of the property’s condition and highlights significant concerns with a traffic light rating system. If you’re dealing with a newer home and merely want a cursory check, this might suffice. For older or more complex properties, a Level 2 (HomeBuyer Report) or Level 3 (Building Survey) might be more appropriate, offering a more detailed inspection and advice on repairs and maintenance.

Remember, the cost of a house survey can be modest compared to the potential expense of unforeseen repairs. Taking the time to understand the different options available to you and choosing a qualified surveyor can be the key to making an informed decision about your property purchase. Peace of mind is invaluable, and a thorough survey can offer just that as you take this significant step in purchasing a home in Lancashire!

Understanding the Surveying Landscape in Lancashire

In Lancashire, the house survey process can significantly impact your property purchase decision. It’s crucial to navigate this landscape with a clear understanding of what’s involved and who can assist you.

Types of House Surveys

There are primarily three types of house surveys in Lancashire:

  1. Condition Reports (Level 1 Surveys): These are the most basic surveys, providing an overview of the property’s condition without much detail.
  2. HomeBuyer Reports (Level 2 Surveys): A more comprehensive survey that includes all the features of the Condition Report, with added insights on issues such as damp, and advice on necessary repairs. At Survey Hut, we also offer a Level 2 PLUS Home Survey, featuring the addition of a drone that checks your roof, and a thermal imaging camera that further checks for damp!
  3. Building Surveys (Level 3 Surveys): The most thorough surveys available, these are especially advisable if you’re looking at older, larger or non-traditional properties in Lancashire. They provide detailed analysis on the structure and condition of the property. We also offer a Level 3 MAX Survey, which provides detailed insight into the condition of services such as heating, gas and electricity.

When selecting a type of survey, consider factors such as the age and type of the house you’re purchasing and your long-term plans for it.

Selecting the Right Surveyor

To choose the right surveyor in Lancashire, keep the following in mind:

  • Qualifications: Ensure they are part of a recognised authority like the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS).
  • Local Expertise: Surveyors in Lancashire familiar with the area can provide more accurate assessments, given their knowledge of local property types and common issues.
  • Services Offered: Verify the types of surveys offered by the surveyor to ensure they can provide the level of detail you require for your peace of mind.
  • Recommendations: Look for surveyors with positive reviews or ask for recommendations from local estate agents or previous clients.

Taking the time to select a surveyor whose expertise and services align with your needs will be invaluable in your property purchasing journey in Lancashire.

The Lancashire Survey Process

Embarking on the survey process ensures that you gain a detailed understanding of the condition and value of your property in Lancashire. This valuable insight can significantly influence your decisions in the property market.

Pre-Survey Considerations

Before a survey launches, it’s pivotal to select a qualified surveyor in Lancashire. Ensure they’re RICS regulated to guarantee standardised service. Confirm the scope of the survey, as different ages and types of property need different surveys. Anticipate the surveyor to test for damp using tools like a Protimeter, check for structural issues and a desktop analysis for things like flood risk.

  • Surveyor Choice: Choose a RICS-regulated surveyor.
  • Property Age: Get the right survey for the right age property..
  • Scope Confirmation: Understand the tests and checks included.

During the Survey

The surveyor’s visit to your property will last between two to five hours, depending on the house’s size and complexity. They will conduct a non-intrusive inspection, assessing the property’s condition, including the roof, walls, and windows, often using a traffic light grading system. Expect them to check for structural integrity and moisture levels. Stay informed about the progress and ask for clarity on any findings during this time.

  • Inspection Duration: Allocate 2-5 hours for the survey.
  • Surveyor’s Assessment: Non-intrusive inspection with a traffic light grading system.
  • Communication: Your surveyor should keep in touch with any updates.

After the Survey: Receiving Your Report

Post-survey, you’ll receive a comprehensive report detailing the condition of the Lancashire property, including any urgent repairs or maintenance needed. The survey might trigger recommendations for further investigations or actions for your legal advisor, especially concerning extensions and planning permissions. The report will be easy to understand and is crucial for making informed decisions regarding property valuation and maintenance.

  • Report Details: Includes property condition, urgent maintenance, and more.
  • Recommendations: Potential further investigations that could be needed.
  • Valuable Insights: Helps in making informed property decisions.

Practical Tips for Home Buyers and Sellers

When engaging in the house survey process within Lancashire, it’s crucial to be well-prepared and able to understand the resulting data.

Preparing for a Survey

To facilitate a smooth survey process, it’s essential to have all the necessary documentation ready. This includes proof of ownership, planning permissions, and any guarantees or warranties on the property. If you’re selling, ensure the property is tidy and accessible, as obstructions may hide potential issues or complicate the surveyor’s job. For buyers, provide the surveyor with a list of any specific concerns or areas you want them to focus on during their inspection.

Interpreting Survey Results

After receiving your survey report, take the time to read through it carefully. If you’re a buyer, look for any major defects or urgent repairs that the survey might reveal, as these could affect your decision to proceed with the purchase or your negotiation power. For sellers, understanding any negative survey results allows you to address issues beforehand or adjust your asking price accordingly.

How Survey Hut Can Help

When considering the acquisition of a property, understanding its true condition is of paramount importance. At Survey Hut, we stand ready to assist you through this process with comprehensive surveys tailored specifically for properties in Lancashire.

What We Offer:

  • HomeBuyers Survey: Ideal for properties constructed in the last 100 years, this survey utilises a traffic light system to highlight areas needing attention.
  • Building Survey: This more detailed survey is for complex, non-traditionally constructed properties with multiple extensions, or conversions built over 100 years ago.
  • Non-Intrusive Tests: Using tools like a Protimeter, we measure dampness levels to ensure your potential home is free from excessive moisture.
  • Structural Insight: Our expert surveyors examine the property’s chimneys, walls, roofs, rainwater goods, floors and more for any structural concerns.
  • In-Depth Analysis: A thorough assessment including a review of the Energy Performance Certificate.

Benefits to You:

  • Clear Understanding: Your property’s condition, including any defects or necessary repairs, will be explicitly detailed, bypassing the confusion of technical jargon.
  • Valuation Accuracy: With our valuation, you’ll be aware of how the property’s condition could influence its market value.
  • Informed Decision-Making: Armed with data on extensions, building regulations, and other potential legalities, you’ll make choices with confidence.

Our Approach:

  • Efficient Service: Recognising the value of your time, we aim to conduct surveys swiftly without compromising on quality.
  • Expert Surveyors: Our team leverages the latest technology to deliver precise and understandable reports.
  • Personal Guidance: Should uncertainties arise, we’re here to offer clarity and advice throughout the surveying process.

Get in touch with Survey Hut today for a comprehensive Home Survey. We are held to the highest professional standards by the RICS, so you know that you’ll get a high-quality report. Make sure your perfect home, is perfect.

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